Severe droughts in the Catalonia region of Spain have led to the government declaring a state of emergency. New measures introduced in response to the worst drought on record in the area include a ban on residents washing their cars and filling up empty swimming pools.

Yvonne Orgill MD at UWLA says, “This is a disastrous situation so early in the year, and makes our water efficiency message absolutely critical, not just for Spain but for the UK and Europe.

“After the exceptionally hot summers last year, people are going to be fearful of another year of hardship.  The local emergency restrictions in Catalonia such as a sharp reduction in the use of water for crop farming and industry, alongside the capping of water supplies per inhabitant per day, will impact everyone on a daily basis.

“These type of measures are only going to become more frequent unless people begin to take seriously the dangers of warming our planet, recognising that it is not something that will happen in the future but is here and now, affecting every region in the world.

“The need to use water wisely becomes more important every year, which is why the UWLA is committed to raising awareness of the Unified Water Label, and the benefits it can bring for water efficiency in the home.

“The Unified Water Label is a smart tool that provides a means to identify water using products with a common label that offers clear, concise and easy to understand messaging about water and energy usage.

“The bathroom industry is taking action, working in partnership with us to bring about change. In the UK we have support from across all sectors, manufacturers, retailers, installers and government bodies.

“Innovative products developed to use less water and energy, without any loss of performance, are displaying the Unified Water Label, and making it easier for consumers to make environmentally friendly choices.

“The Unified Water Label Association is dedicated to driving home the water efficiency message, encouraging everyone in the supply chain to support us by highlighting the label and the products that carry it, to ensure more of these products are used in the home.

“Those interested in supporting the UWLA or joining us to embrace a cleaner, greener bathroom revolution can find out more by visiting the website”

Photo by Oleksandr Sushko on Unsplash