Tom Reynolds, chief executive, Bathroom Manufacturers Association explains:

In recent years, the UK has witnessed a significant shift in consumer buying habits regarding bathrooms, seeing an increasing desire for a bathroom for every bedroom, if possible. This growing trend can be attributed to various factors, including the influence of spending power, changing expectations of well-being and relaxation, and the rise of multi-generational living.

Indeed, BMA’s 2022 research found that there has been a 61% increase in the average amount spent on a new bathroom (including all fixtures, fittings and installation costs), rising significantly since 2018. In addition, although the number of households adding additional bathrooms has remained stable at 10% of new installations, more and more are because of a ‘large or extended family’, accounting for around 27%.

Around 46% of homes also have the much-needed second WC, showing we are no longer willing to put up with the rush-hour queue for the main bathroom. And perhaps the effects of the pandemic, when we were all confined to our homes, has ignited an overwhelming desire for extra privacy and an opportunity to ‘take time out’.

To support this potential boom in additional bathrooms, we see the supply chain disruption experienced created during the COVID pandemic ease enormously. Manufacturers have worked hard to ensure that stock is readily available and will look forward to ensuring demands are met to make bathroom dreams a reality.

Both homeowners and housebuilders recognise the value of having a private bathroom attached to bedrooms, providing a personal retreat and convenience, and most new builds will offer at least one en-suite, reflective of consumer demand. More luxurious properties can offer even more additional bathrooms with high-end features, offering a sanctuary where individuals can unwind and indulge in moments of relaxation, promoting a sense of well-being and tranquillity.

As bathrooms are viewed as personal retreats that offer a respite from the pressures of daily life, consumers expect their bathrooms to deliver a spa-like experience, complete with luxurious features and wellness-enhancing elements such as rain showers, hydrotherapy baths, and smart technologies.

Bathroom designers and architects have a unique opportunity to meet these demands by creating innovative, luxurious, and functional spaces that enhance homeowners’ overall well-being and lifestyle. With clever layouts that can use homeowners’ space to the maximum, these private spaces will deliver a retreat and add value to the homeowner’s property overall.

As the desire for multiple bathrooms becomes the norm, the UK’s bathroom industry is poised to flourish in the years to come.