Talk to a storytelling agency for advice on what to do with the words, images and videos…

Often half the battle, when a bathroom company wants to create a full, interesting content programme, is the question, “What is interesting content? I love my company and what we do but how and where do I get others to love it too??”

This is where the services of an “outside” person, friend or agency may prove valuable. We all know that when you are too close, you cannot see the wood for the trees. It’s something we have all experienced professionally, socially and personally probably!

As an agency, we often hear our clients say, “No, nothing’s happened this month; nothing exciting to say!”  Then we chat, and find out they have just worked on a famous building project, designed and installed an amazing bathroom, appointed three new key people, launched a website, won an award, made a video – you get the idea! 

It is the job of a PR or marketing agency – or department or individual – to unearth great stories, produce them, and then decide where to put them.

It is the love of creating product pieces, case studies, news, video scripts, articles, features, podcasts, videos, photographs, thought-leadership papers – and more – that makes the difference! This great content is designed to suit all of today’s communication channels.

We know all the relevant journalists and then we talk to them which results in fabulous coverage for our clients.  Of course, this stuff is also fab for your website and social media channels.

So why not chew the cud with someone else, or a friend, and see how you can make your stories come to life?

If you need any help with your marketing or would just like to find out more about Taylor Alden, please visit and email