According to The Shower Lab, the company is focussed on sustainability and with the help of its team collectively supports the company’s environmental policy objectives.

The design-led company has been independently assessed and awarded the Environmental Management Certificate in recognition of its efforts. The accreditation demonstrates The Shower Lab’s genuine interest in minimalising waste and its focus on proactive sustainability management.

“Our sustainability campaign is important to us, enabling us to be proactive in designing a shower enclosure in an environmentally considerate way. Receiving the ISO 14001 accreditation is a fantastic achievement of which we are very proud. Over the past 12 months, our team has been working hard to reduce waste and our environmental footprint. Some of the changes have been small, and others have been significant. However, working towards this certification has allowed us to highlight the areas of improvement that exist and make changes to advance them.” comments Max Finaldi, managing director, The Shower Lab