Shower designer and manufacturer, Roman, has further reduced its environmental impact by replacing all company cars with fully electric ones.

Roman says it has furthered its commitment to sustainability by updating all company cars to fully electric, helping to reduce its carbon emissions, the company has electric charging points for all cars installed at its headquarters.

Moving to fully electric vehicles is just a small part of Roman’s environmental journey to becoming carbon-zero. Roman has been working on its environmental credentials for well over 10 years, fully embracing the circular economy and achieving carbon-neutral status in 2021.

According to the manufacturer, all its products are sustainable and it incorporates circular economy principles throughout its supply chain with a focus on recycling before and after the life of a product. For instance, all the aluminium used in Roman’s production is 100% recycled before use and at the end of life as it is extremely easy to recycle aluminium back to its original value.

Likewise, Roman’s solid surface moulding and fabrication plants use material which is a predominantly natural stone – once again it can be reground for re-use.

The brass used for hardware such as Shower Enclosure handles is 100% of recycled material before use, without compromising on strength or functionality. Roman is also working very closely with suppliers of glass and expect to be close to 100% recycled content in 2024.

Additionally, all packaging is made from recycled card and can be fully recycled after its use, all inserts are also card (not polystyrene or plastic).  

David Osborne, chief executive officer of Roman, commented: “Moving all company cars to fully electric was the next step on our environmental journey, with the long-term goal of becoming Carbon Zero. As the leading British Shower Enclosure Manufacturer, we give huge focus to sustainability and further breakthroughs will be coming over the next few years.”