As in all industries, generative AI is taking the world of interior design by storm and staying on top of these advancements is crucial when offering enhanced services. From visualisation to floor planning, applications have quickly sprung up to aid in every step of the design process. Nuie outlines AI strengths and weaknesses and introduces its own AI tool.

While the technology is new and still developing, many of these tools offer the beginner renovator an exciting starting point to explore styles and ideas before launching into their bathroom installation. While no tech can ever replace the skills and intuition of a professional bathroom designer, AI can go a long way when it comes to transforming your dream bathroom into a reality.

Approaching bathroom renovations on your own can be intimidating but you can build confidence and boost your inspiration with the help of AI design tools and industry experts.

Anna Straw, interior designer, has looked at the benefits and limitations of different AI design tools as well as taking a closer look at one that is taking the design game by storm– the nuie 3D Design Tool.

Benefits of AI design tools

Depending on the tool you choose, AI design applications can offer a range of benefits, from visualising your own concepts to producing new bathroom design ideas from scratch. So, without further ado, here are four ways AI tools can enhance the experience of designing a bathroom.

ü    Develop the correct style

Some AI tools offer the opportunity to analyse trends and user preferences, offering personalised recommendations for fixtures, finishes and accessories that match different personal styles. They can also assess the practicality of recreating aesthetic styles in the space you are working with, providing tailored bathroom inspiration, and helping to select the most practical options and appealing colour palettes with materials listed to create the desired look.

ü    Use the space efficiently

AI algorithms can take spatial constraints, user preferences and design principles into account when generating layout suggestions for bathrooms, meaning the plan will be optimised to make the most of the room of your customers. Automated layout suggestions are a wonderful way to save time and ensure fixtures and furniture are placed in the most user-friendly positions, producing a finished product that is accessible, functional, and beautiful.

ü    Visualise ideas

Sometimes customers have clear ideas around how they want a project to turn out but communicating them can prove difficult. They may want to combine certain elements such as colours, textures, prints and materials, but feel unsure about whether the finished look will come together. However, that is where AI-driven VR (Virtual Reality) simulations come to the fore. These allow users to experience a virtual representation of their bathroom design before it is built, helping them to make more informed decisions about layout and décor schemes before committing to products.

ü    Optimise the budget

Interior design mistakes can be costly, especially when it comes to accidentally selecting impractical or unsuitable materials and products. Some AI tools allow for data to be inputted such as photos, dimensions, and other essential details to test out ideas and help to prevent these kinds of hiccups, ensuring the project stays on budget. Several applications can also provide cost breakdowns and suggest the best products and materials for the given budget.

 Weaknesses of AI design tools

While design AI offers some amazing opportunities, like all technology, it also has its drawbacks and limitations. Anna Straw has highlighted a number of limitations she faces when using AI tools in her designs.

û    Many tools have limited functionality

Since AI technology is still in its infancy, it makes sense that many of the design tools currently available are limited in the capabilities they offer users. The coming years will see some fast developments, but now, the effectiveness of AI tools depends on the quality and quantity of data used to train them. Models trained on biased or limited information may not provide reliable or diverse design suggestions, limiting the output users can expect. The usability of AI design tools also varies depending on how intuitive and accessible the interface is – some require months of training to master, while others are suitable for beginners who may have never engaged with generative AI before.

û    AI cannot replace an expert

While AI is becoming increasingly capable, the technology cannot match up to the experience and expertise of a tradesman and should be regarded as an aid rather than a replacement.

AI tools do not have the instincts and empathy of human beings, which means they can often overlook the intuitive and creative thinking that goes into creating an individual or family’s dream bathroom. Designing a space involves more than just arranging elements. It requires understanding the user’s lifestyle, considering structural constraints, incorporating creative elements, and creating the desired mood.

AI cannot understand these complexities. Some tools, for example, may not understand subjective style preferences that fall outside of the data they were trained on, while others may not have the functionality to consider budget constraints. This is why generative AI design tools provide a brilliant starting point, but the help of a professional designer really brings your design to life.

û    AI output is artificial

It may sound obvious, but the imagery created by artificial intelligence is, well – artificial. That means the bathroom designed could be entirely unachievable in real life, whether that is because of restrictions on space, budget, or product availability. You may use an AI tool to create a dream bathroom, only to have those dreams crushed when becomes clear your design does not translate to reality.

For this reason, AI tools can be a fantastic way to explore ideas and gain further inspiration, but their practical applications are limited.

 Using the nuie 3D Design Tool

This is where the nuie 3D Design Tool comes in. Once you have experimented with design styles using AI, you are ready to start picturing how your ideas will translate to your own bathroom space.

This easy-to-use, customisable online tool provides you with all you need to design, visualise, and source the perfect products to bring your dream bathroom to life.


Choose the room size and shape, then enter the exact dimensions, including details like windows, doors, and partition walls to create an accurate view of the bathroom space you are working with.


Plan the space in 3D. Simply browse through the catalogue of real nuie bathroom products, from sinks to cisterns, and drag and drop them into your design to see exactly how they’ll fit and look in your space. Adjust their position and choose from a range of finishes and colours to suit your style. Switch between 2D and 3D mode for a full perspective and add finishing touches like mirrors and radiators.


Once the customer is happy with the design, the nuie 3D Design Tool even generates a full breakdown of the products used to create the masterpiece, plus their prices. Press the save button to download a copy, and take it to your plumber, retailer, or merchant to purchase everything you need to craft the bathroom of your dreams.

Want to learn more about how to use the Nuie 3D Design Tool? Check out the tutorial video, and try the tool out for yourself.