The Neoperl Group has developed a ‘Water & Energy Saving Calculator’ to help us understand our household usage and the savings that can be made. It’s now live on their website.
Neoperl has been creating water-saving products globally for over 60 years. Their products shape the water stream in taps and showers and regulate its flow rate. The new calculator can be used to clarify the individual saving potential of each household, and it’s driven by the desire to help people use less electricity, oil or gas, making an important contribution to overcoming the energy crisis and helping the environment.
The online ‘Water & Energy Saving Calculator’ calculates the water savings per year, the energy savings per year when heating water with electricity, oil or gas and the cost savings for water, wastewater and hot water treatment (electricity, oil or gas).
The basic version of the calculator requires information on the size of household and personal habits. How many people use the water at the washbasin, shower and kitchen tap daily and for how long. The calculation is then based on average values regarding temperature, water flow etc. Based on the information provided by the user, the annual water savings are calculated showing how many litres of water could be saved with water-saving products in the shower, at the washbasin and in the kitchen. Based on the water savings, the energy savings for hot water generation are also calculated so the user can see how much less electricity, oil or gas would be needed as a result. The calculator then accesses average values and uses them to calculate the potential savings per year for water and energy.

It is also possible to manually enter your individual water and energy costs to demonstrate a more accurate result. This is an expert version of the calculator under ‘advanced settings’ where all basic values can be adjusted, and information added such as actual flow rates of specific taps.
The calculator can currently be customised to Europe, USA, Switzerland and UK where it stores average data appropriate to those regions, and Neoperl are encouraging staff and website visitors alike to make use of the data in this easy-to-use calculator.
“We are delighted that this calculator is now live for the UK.” Said UK Sales Director Chris Neath.
“The HQ team has worked hard on imputing all the average data to assist people in understanding the savings that can be made. It’s in an easy-to-use format too and it’s totally free to access. It’s an investment we have made to help people save water and energy and today that could result in substantial money savings too.”