Products for children have to meet a variety of requirements: they must be safe, easy to use and robust. In addition, they must be easy to clean and hygienic. Products that are used in cots, nurseries, kindergartens or schools must be able to withstand high loads over the long term. HEWI products for children meet all these requirements.

Washing hands and brushing teeth is much more fun when the wash place design is adapted to the needs of the little users. HEWI offers a comprehensive range of products for the washing area which, with its cheerful colours, virtually invites you to wash and splash around.
The small radii of the washbasins mean there are no corners or edges where children can bump into each other. The narrow rim as well as the compact design of the mineral CST washbasin allow even small children to reach the tap effortlessly.
The product range also includes mirrors, fittings and tumbler racks with hooks and accessories.