Kelda has supplied air-powered water and energy-saving showers in four properties at Cala Homes
Langley Court development in Beckenham. Cala has also incorporated a full electric heating and hot
water system, supplemented by PV and smart hot water cylinders.
Kelda’s low-carbon Air-Powered shower savings have been verified by trusted energy experts Energy Saving
Trust to show significant savings in four areas:
Water: A Kelda shower uses 69,800 fewer litres of water per year than a conventional mixer shower. This is a 55% reduction in the amount of water, resulting in £180 (40%) savings in the annual water bill of a household of four.
Energy: With less water being used, the amount of energy required to heat it is also reduced, Kelda showers use 2,200 less kWh of energy per year than a conventional mixer shower. This is a 55% reduction in the amount of energy used, which results in £285 (55%) savings in the annual energy bill of a household of four.
A typical home could cut its annual energy consumption by about 10% (2,200kWh) by replacing its conventional mixer shower with a Kelda shower. This is equivalent to boiling a kettle 20,000 times.
Carbon Emissions: Due to the energy and water-saving aspects associated with a Kelda shower they emit 540 Kilograms (55%) less carbon dioxide annually than a conventional mixer shower. This is a 55% reduction in carbon dioxide emitted annually.

A typical home could cut its annual energy carbon emissions by about 10% (540kgCO2) by replacing its conventional mixer shower with a Kelda shower. This is equivalent to driving 1,900 miles, that’s like driving from London to Bristol 16 times.
Financial: If a family of four with metered water replaced a conventional mixer shower with a Kelda shower the overall reduction in energy and water consumption would lead to a saving of approximately £465 per year on their utility bills.
“It is quantified data such as this, along with our own continuous energy-saving efforts and other aspects of research and development that make Kelda. We look forward to working with Cala to install a Kelda shower in
their first net zero carbon enabled home in Peterborough.” Paul Ravnbo-West, marketing director Kelda Showers.
Steve Rule, group design & technical director at Cala said: “The trial of products such as Kelda’s Air Powered
showers is just one of the ways Cala is looking to reduce water consumption in our homes, while also helping our customers to reduce their energy use.”