Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for natural resources surpasses what the earth can regenerate in one year. This means we are living on credit for five whole months and depleting the earth’s resources further and further. This alarming fact calls for urgent action to reduce our ecological footprint and preserve the planet for future generations.
Simple changes in our everyday behaviour and the use of new, innovative technologies could push back the date of Earth Overshoot Day. Here, Ronke Ugbaja, leader, product management, LIXIL EMENA, and GROHE UK highlights the home innovations available to help reduce consumption at home.
1. When it comes to the bathroom tap, GROHE SilkMove ES technology helps to save energy. When operating standard taps with the lever in the middle position, mixed hot and cold water flows every time – even when only briefly rinsing a toothbrush or washing hands.
2. To reduce water consumption, GROHE taps with EcoJoy technology are equipped with a flow-limiting mousseur. This helps to reduce water flow from the usual 10 liters per minute, to just over 5 liters per minute.
3. GROHE EcoJoy technology can also save water and energy in the shower area. The water flow is reduced by a flow limiter and, thanks to smaller nozzles, this is not noticeable when showering as the flow remains as strong as usual.
4. Shower thermostats also help to save water and energy, as they maintain the chosen water temperature for the duration of the shower, so there is no need to spend time re-adjusting or waiting for the shower to reach the desired temperature.
5. The latest innovation is GROHE Everstream, the brand’s first water-recycling shower technology that circulates hygienically treated water in order to create the showering experience users expect but consuming as little fresh water as possible – and using far less energy.