Simon Acres Group Limited, a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom (KBB) industry’s leading recruitment agency, hosted a successful roundtable event in partnership with apprenticeship training provider Workpays to examine the barriers to hiring apprentices.

Following the event, the company is sharing the main obstacles that hinder businesses from hiring apprentices in an effort to empower and inspire the industry to employ more apprentices.

The roundtable was held at the Stanwick Hotel in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. Industry professionals gathered to discuss the barriers that businesses face when hiring apprentices. A particular focus of the event was on the challenges within the KBB and construction industries. The event also aimed to reveal solutions and strategies that can help to overcome these barriers.

The diverse and knowledgeable panel included contributions from a variety of experts, including participants from leading apprenticeship bodies, training providers and KBB retailers. The panel was also joined by guest speaker Stephen Johnson, managing director at Quooker UK and Ireland, who shared valuable insights based on his experience of hiring young people and promoting the training and development of his colleagues at Quooker.

The main barriers to hiring apprentices identified during the roundtable event are:

1. A lack of information: Many businesses are unaware of the appropriate channels to explore when it comes to hiring apprentices, including being unaccustomed with apprenticeship training providers

2. Unfamiliarity with recognised and approved apprenticeship standards within the industry

3. Uncertainty around costs: The perceived financial burden of hiring apprentices is a concern for many businesses, as is a lack of awareness of the grants that are available and of some uncertainty surrounding apprenticeship wages

4. A lack of training awareness: On-the-job training requirements associated with apprenticeships are often unclear to businesses, including the amount of time required to be allocated to training apprentices

5. Confusing terminology and jargon: Many businesses experience confusion due to the vast amount of apprenticeship bodies, abbreviations and unclear language that exists

Simon Acres, managing director of Simon Acres Group Limited said: “Apprenticeships are a vital aspect to creating an experienced, knowledgeable and skilled KBB workforce. Hosting a lively and insightful roundtable on this important topic provided the opportunity to identify the challenges that prevent businesses from hiring apprentices, in addition to highlighting the ways in which these barriers can be overcome.

“With the support of Workpays, we hope to establish a collaborative approach to bring more apprentices into our sector. We’re encouraging other businesses to get involved and to work collaboratively with us to address the challenges surrounding hiring apprentices and to showcase the many benefits that apprenticeships offer while driving positive change and growth in our industry.”

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