The Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to take a new look at the way we live and will have a direct impact on how we design our homes in the future. For the bathroom, this will mean a greater emphasis on adaptable bathroom spaces that can cater for periods of increased use in busy or multi-generational households.
The shower room has always been an ideal way to create a spacious, luxurious yet durable bathroom space. Whether you are working to transform a small bathroom or refresh an existing shower space, we have some ideas to help you on your way.
Flush to floor shower areas
Flush to floor shower areas help to create a level shower area, making them perfect for all generations and abilities, they are also easier to clean.
Bette’s Head of Marketing, Sven Rensinghoff tells us “Flush-to-floor shower trays are growing in popularity because they look so stylish and contemporary, while also increasing accessibility in the bathroom. There is a trend towards larger shower areas, with the largest 1800 x 1000mm being selected more often, as they are great to use and help to create an extremely luxurious look. We are also seeing more shower trays chosen in colours to coordinate with various forms of flooring. In particular, with matt finishes in colours inspired by nature. There is also more interest in anti-slip, now that almost invisible options are available, and in other finishing touches that provide a benefit for the customer, such as upturns, so silicone is not required where the shower tray meets the wall.”
The BetteFloor shower area, pictured here, can be fitted flush with the floor and is strong, easy to clean, sustainable and 100% recyclable. Like all Bette shower trays, it comes with a 30-year warranty. Bette easy-to-fit shower trays are available in 400 colours. Keep Reading…

Shower enclosures & slip-resistant shower floors
UK manufacturer Kudos tell us they have benefited from increased sales in showering enclosure products and from a reinvigorated interest in British Made products.
Nick Graville, Sales & Marketing Director Kudos Shower Products explains “In terms of style trends there are two key themes we are seeing. The first is possibly the result of an ageing population and they are certainly the ones with the disposable income at present, that’s slip-resistant features on designer products.
“The second trend is in coloured fixtures. Those old enough to remember the coloured bathroom suites of the past will understand that the market has been white and chrome fittings for many years since. However, as different metallic and matt finishes grow in popularity in brassware, this is now making its way into shower panel profiles to coordinate, whether that be matt black, brushed gold or brushed nickel stainless steel effect.”
The most recent launch from Kudos is a new 300mm glass Deflector to suit all Kudos Ultimate Showering Panel, this new fold-away glass ‘Deflector Panel’ is a stylish and practical solution designed to suit the Ultimate collection of showering panels from Kudos. Keep Reading…
A new 300mm glass Deflector to suit all Kudos Ultimate Showering Panels
Multi-generational spaces
The rise in multi-generational living has not only created a need to re-configure our living space to cater for all ages, we also need a space to relax and unwind. If you are not a fan of the bathtub, it makes sense to install a shower room, without compromising on aesthetics.
Lakes Sales & Marketing Director Mike Tattam agrees “Showering is an essential part of everyday life – it can set us up for the day or help us to wind down at night. A rise in multi-generational living, busier households and shrinking bathrooms means showers suit modern living. However, the importance of a daily shower as a slice of ‘me time’ means homeowners are looking for a spa-like experience where relaxation is almost as important as getting clean.
“Bathrooms need to be beautiful to look at, but also suit the space and lifestyles of the people using them – with of course the reassurance of durability and low maintenance too.”
Lakes premium Island Collection now includes Antigua and Aruba. The new ‘showroom exclusive’ products are designed with Lakes Definitions for an exclusive finishing touch.

Finishing touches
For a coordinated design, shower components and bathroom accessories are key to creating the right aesthetic, at the same same time, they must deliver functionality and durability. Planning in accessories early helps designers establish a bathroom theme at the outset, many manufacturers offer complete collections to help simplify the process.
Margaret Talbot, Marketing Manager at VitrA tells us “A shower that looks fantastic and feels fantastic is both a luxury and for many an absolute necessity. Safe thermostatic water temperature control is critical for all bathrooms, and water efficiency is increasingly important for consumers who are keen to save resources and money on utility bills. Colour and texture allow for a stylish statement in modern bathrooms – blacks and copper look impressive against whites and muted tones. But it is the high-quality, brass components, behind the scenes that will provide the user with the ultimate showering experience for many years to come.”
VitrA’s Origin and brassware accessories range has over 150 pieces in the collection, including monobloc taps in four heights, wall and deck mounted mixers and both concealed and exposed thermostatic and manual showers with a choice of handheld or fixed overhead showers. A comprehensive range of accessories complements taps and showers. All pieces are available in chrome, brushed nickel, copper and matt black finishes.
VitrA new Origin collection shower heads shown in all new colours Origina Pure shower – handheld copper VitrA Origin showerhead handshower water on matt black
“This is a beautiful, comprehensive collection,” continues Marketing Manager Margaret Talbot. “The design-for-all ethos can be seen throughout with the choice of finishes, sizes and product types. Top-quality materials have been used with cartridges that allow light fingertip control and deliver an efficient flow rate. There are products to satisfy the most demanding specification with basin mixers, baths, showers, wet rooms, WCs and complementary accessories.”